

I got this message on Facebook from one of my old high school teachers:

I just have to pass this along to you: The other day I complimented Jim* on his happy demeanor and his friendly "hello," because he always smiles and says "hello". He said, "Oh, I got that from Janeen. She was always cheerful and happy, so I thought if it worked for her it would work for me." You never know who you will influence! So keep up the smiles!

*Name changed...because so many people read this blog. 

This completely made my day. I haven't seen this kid in two years and yet he still remembers me and my smile. I can't stress enough the fact of who is watching you. Your own personal fans come from everywhere.

I wrote a journal entry for my education class today about wanting to influence people in a positive way. That was a main factor for me switching my major from English to English Education. In the past I refused the consideration of being a teacher. I wanted to be an editor or publisher. More money, more fame, and more city. Being an editor would be quite the life, but it's not the life I have in mind. No matter where life takes me I will be teaching whether it be through missionary service, church service, motherhood, English teacher, piano teacher, or all of the above.

I want to be an influence for good in the world!
Thank you "Jim" for letting me.

1 comment:

  1. You are an influence to your nephew & nieces....for good or for evil (insert: wicked laugh). You're an influence to your big sister too :) Loves
