
Where in the world have I been?

According to state- 4.44% of this world or 10 countries.
In more detail:
Rome, Florence, Assissi-Italy
London-England (twice)
Luxor, Cario-Egypt
All over Israel
Grand Cayman Island-Cayman Islands
Somewhere in Canada
ID, UT, CA, WA, OR, MT, WY, AZ, OK, TX, NV- United States

Not photoshopped I promise

Where in the world do I want to go?

But more specifically-
Back East and NYC

Why in the world I love to travel?

I honestly didn't plan on being a world traveler at this young age, but I got lucky, really lucky. But each and every trip has become a part of me. I have grown to love the areas where my feet have trodden and learning about the past and culture. Enduring one of my least favorite things (riding in planes) is quickly forgotten as I lose myself in one of my favorite things (traveling).

Where in the world do you want to go?

In case you ever wanted to read about my adventures of a study abroad in the UK, click here.

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