
Meet Decca

(Her real name is Jessica...just in case)
This is my first family interview for the meet series and I chose Decca because we have to most history. Even now we're still referred to as the "little girls." I have fought with her more than anyone else, but I think I've hugged her more than anyone else. She probably can't say the same for me being married and all. Anywho, Decca is gorgeous and talented and amazing!

1. The craziest experience you've had while being a dental assistant.

1. Have a full grown man lick my finger. I was putting in the sensor for an x-ray and he just licked my finger. My gloves were flavored green apple, so I don't blame him.
2.What do you miss most about your childhood?
2. Playdates with the Nelson girls. Either in the basement or outside or in the canal.
3 If you had to choreograph a dance for the whole world to do, what song would it be?
3. Dynamite from Taio Cruz
4. Your favorite Harry Potter character?
4. A toss up between Luna Lovegood or Dobby
5. Which country's flag is the prettiest?
5. Hong Kong
flag- hong kong
6. Your latest obsession?
6. Pinterest
7. Your philosophy of life
7. "Do one thing everyday that scares you." -Eleanor Roosevelt
8. An ideal Halloween costume would be?
8. A candy corn witch or a squirrel.
9. Your favorite Etsy shop?
9. Neverbugcreation's . I have always wanted a princess dress.
10. Something you want to do before you turn 25?
10. Hike Hava Su Pai

"Good gravy Decca, puh-lease!" (Total inside joke for all you outsiders)
Thanks Decca!

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