I am anxiously awaiting for the 12th of September.
The start of school.
I'm a nerd who loves school.
And lets be honest, the social life is a bit more happening up in the 'Burg than in 'Ta.
I had a lovely day shopping with the Mummsie at the Gateway in SLC. Throw in a lunch at the Lion House and its the perfect back-to-school shopping adventure.
My first pair of TOMS! I know everyone has a pair but I'm already in love with them.
Straw Hat for $10 at Urban Outfitters
I'll have you know that the Mummsie forced it into my hands and marched me up to the cash register. In her words, this was "too Janeen" to pass up. And I'm kind of glad I got it.
Traveling back to the Far East in these modern Harem pants.
And they're super duper comfy.
And I finally finished my infinity scarf. It'll be perfect for those cold Rexburg nights...and days.
The class I'm looking forward to is:
a toss up between Social Dance and Grammar.
Apology in advance to my roomates who will be living with an English nazi.
My favorite after school snack:
cookies straight from the oven accompanied by a cold glass of milk.
Fall activity that I love:
going to football games. Even though I'm not a huge football fan (if I had to choose it would be BYU all the way. No BSU for me). Football games either gave me a reason to bring out the outwear and accessories or cheer on the boys.
Check out my post a year ago.
that hat is too cute. and i LOVE your toms. and that scarf. i'm thinking i'm going to have to make me one...