At 3:55 I rolled out of bed just in time to watch the ceremony.
I was like a little girl watching a princess movie with eyes glued to the TV and head dreaming of a life in a castle and marrying a guy with a British accent.
I guess watching Jane Austen films and Harry Potter will have to suffice.
My curtsy:
My scarf all cleverly tied up in a bow.
My London t-shirt:
I love, love, love hats so I was going crazy at the royal ceremony which was filled with the pretty, the daring, and the umm...?

Let's not forget the main feature, Catherine's dress.

What's England without some Harry Potter reference?
I came across this trailer and was practically screaming:
I'm thinking I'm going to read and watch all the books and movies to lead up to the finale of all finales.
Can you believe that this is almost the end?
I challenge anyone else to join me.
Neener, Steve and I are listening to the books and watching the movies. Maybe we can come with you to the midnight premier. You know Steve would LOVE dressing up.