My third year of participating in Relay for Life has come and gone. And I was really lazy so that's the only picture I took. Kris and I did 10 miles together, but then she left so I did some more later on. The grand total was 48 laps (12 miles), 1 hour of sleep, TONS of M&Ms, licorice, and more junk, and a night full of remembrance, love, and fun.
I wish I could do relay-for-life with you. I would have TOTALLY come!! We watched Toy Story as well (until Hyrum said it was too scary and turned it off...he's a sensitive soul). And I LOVE that you shop at the DI. I do too. Do either of our other sisters? I find GREAT kid clothes and maternity clothes and I'm-not-prego-anymore-but-my-other-clothes-still-don't-fit clothes!